Lina Sachuk

Aurora, CO, 80016

Software Engineer

Motivated and results-driven professional with ability to identify business needs and develop valuable solutions to drive accuracy and process efficiency. Strong communication, analytical, and problem-solving skills. Trilingual in English, Russian, and Ukrainian. Enthusiastic and eager to contribute to team success through hard work, attention to detail and excellent organizational skills. Motivated to learn, grow and excel in Data Science.

Technical Skills

Python Microsoft Excel MS Office Web Development Front End/Back End Tableau
Pandas Flask TensorFlow Jupyter Notebook JavaScript HTML/CSS
Machine Learning Deep Learning API Integration Data Visualization Tools Data collection Data Analysis
SQL MySQL PostgreSQL Cloud Integration Microsoft SQL Non-relational Databases


Machine Learning and Games with TensorFlow.js

Link to GitHub:
Link to Deployed Project:

ETL Project - The Best 50 Superhero Movies

Link to GitHub:
Link to Deployed Project:

Nobel Prize Winners - Data Visualization Project

Link to GitHub:
Link to Deployed Project:

Art and ML – Machine Learning Project

Link to GitHub:
Link to Deployed Project:


Software Engineer & Data Analyst

Developed web-based platform used to model and measure thermal phenomena in metal cutting for Swedish organization using JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 and Heroku, which ensured project met 100% EU guidelines and brought project to completion and under-budget ($5 - 10K).

Working directly with stakeholders to optimize existing solutions and architect new ones using Python, JavaScript, Tableau, MongoDB, Machine Learning to meet functional and nonfunctional requirements.

Software Engineer & Implementation Consultant

Designed and implemented UI for Colorado online DMV services using VB.NET, JavaScript, and MS SQL, which helped 4+ million Colorado residents process renewals, customized plates request, and DMV registration.

Diagnosed and resolved software related issues within system using VB.NET, stabilizing platform and helping maintain 99.9% uptime.

Successfully rebuilt financial software in English and Ukrainian for International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Ukrainian Dept. of Revenue using VB.NET, JavaScript, and MS SQL, preventing corruption and introducing open policies for Eastern Europe countries.

Technical Engineer & Land Surveyor

Computed geodetic measurements and interpreted survey data to determine positions, shapes and elevations of geomorphic and topographic features, using theodolites, transits, levels and satellite-based GPS.

Successfully managed 5 - 10 inbound customer requests per week, ranking in top 5% of all support associates.


M.S. Computer Science

A 5 years program focused on Computer Science and Engineering fundamentals

Data Analytics

A 24-week intensive program focused on gaining technical programming skills in Excel, VBA, Python, R, JavaScript, SQL Databases, Tableau, Big Data, and Machine Learning.

Full Stack Web-Development

A 24-week intensive program focused on Full Stack Web-Development fundamentals.