Software Engineer / Data Analyst

Motivated and results-driven professional with ability to identify business needs and develop valuable solutions to drive accuracy and process efficiency. Strong communication, analytical, and problem-solving skills. Trilingual in English, Russian, and Ukrainian. Enthusiastic and eager to contribute to team success through hard work, attention to detail and excellent organizational skills. Motivated to learn, grow and excel in Data Science.

Recent Work

A Weather App and Universal Inspirational Quotes with ReactJS

A ReactJS app with the Open Weather Map API and The Exclusive HealThruWords API. It returns the current weather data for any city in the world and healing inspirational quotes and images.

Tools include HTML 5, CSS 3, Javascript, ReactJS, API

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ML and Games with TensorFlow.js

Machine Learning and Games project implements idea of how we can use ML in gaming and education. It has an image classifier model to recognize images of 1000 classes. Trained by user a second model play against computer Rock Paper Scissors game.

Tools include HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 4, TensorFlow.js, KNN classifier, JavaScript, jQuery, ClipboardJS

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Web Application for the MoMenT Project

Web application for Modelling and Measurement of Thermal Phenomena in Metal Cutting Project granted by: EU Research Executive Agency through Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions. Volunteer assignment.

Tools include HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 4, Javascript, Lettering.js, Textillate.js

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Art and ML – Machine Learning Project

Flask App with an Image Recognition Model. Designed new models and algorithms for ML.

Tools include Python, Flask, Selenium WebDriver, HTML 5/CSS 3, MongoDB cloud database, Jupyter Notebook, Pandas, Heroku, TensorFlow, Tableau, Deep Learning.

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Nobel Prize Winners - Data Visualization

Nobel Prize Winners Data Visualization with different tools.

Tools include Python Flask–powered RESTful API, Selenium WebDriver, HTML 5/CSS 3, JavaScript, D3, amCharts, SweetAlert, Anime.js and MongoDB cloud database.

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ETL Project - The Best 50 Superhero Movies

ETL (extract, transform, load) used to blend data from multiple sources. Data Analysis and Visualization with different tools.

Tools include Python, Flask, API, HTML 5/CSS 3, Jupyter Notebook, Pandas, Plotly, PostgreSQL, Heroku.

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More projects coming soon! Thank you!